Amphibole Quartz (Also known as Angel Phantom Quartz) is an excellent crystal to use with the Third Eye and Crown Chakras, as it enables you to gain a stronger connection to the Angelic realm as well as communication with your own Guardian Angel. This protective, high vibration stone increases our awareness of the spiritual realm, past-life recall and lucid dreaming. A bringer of intense love, beauty and joy, Amphibole Quartz is invaluable in the home, especially when you surround it with other Angelic crystals such as Seraphinite, Angelite and Celestite. It will enable you to see your best inner strengths and increase your self-empowerment.
Size Range: 1" - 2"
Ruby City Gems & Minerals 130 E. Main St. Franklin, NC 28734 Phone: 828-524-3967 or 800-821-RUBY